Thursday, August 12, 2010

25 Day Challenge: Day Zwei

Day #2: Ten random facts about yourself

Well this is going to be fun since I am a VERY random person :)
  1. My pinkies are crooked. I was born like that and so was my mom…but nobody else has it in our family, weird huh?
  2. I used to be tongue tied. It’s where my tongue was tied to the backside under my bottom teeth. I could not stick my tongue out or touch the roof of my mouth with my tongue. I got it clipped and can do those two things now but I can not do anything else, like tricks and such.
  3. My favorite band of all time is Brand New. Czech them out!
  4. I pick my lip when I’m nervous or bored.
  5. I can’t wait to sign up for the Peace Corps.
  6. I LOVE cuddling with Ian. Best. Thing. Ever.
  7. I have a very sketchy past but it brought me to where I am today and I’ve accepted it and I’ve grown closer to God because of it.
  8. I’ve moved a total of 13 times in my life, in 10 different states.
  9. My dream job is to work as a Historical researcher for movies. Or in a Smithsonian. Or be a tour guide in Europe. Looks like I have three dream jobs ha-ha.
  10. I want to change the world in any which way possible. Noticed or unnoticed. Every morning I think of a random person and pray for them. Whether I know them or not, it could be a person I saw on the road yesterday. Try it- you'll feel it's a very refreshing way to jump start your day.
So there. Day 2= done. However, I have a very busy week ahead of me. Tomorrow through Monday I will be camping in Michigan with some of the best people God has ever blessed me with. Then Tuesday-Friday I will be teaching Vacation Bible School (35-40 two to five year olds) and my *21st* birthday is on Wednesday so I do not know when I will be able to update this next but it will be the next chance I get!
“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” -The Dark Knight

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